”MARINE DEBRIS WorldWide Shipping” Containers are often used as a means of transportation when transporting large amounts of cargo by ship or train, but it is estimated that as many as 10,000 containers are sunk to the sea floor each year during shipping by ship. is erected. For that reason, this time, with the imaginary theme of "the cargo drifted across the sea and ended up in an unexplored land", the first half (pt.1.) and the second half (pt.2.) were created with different directors. In addition, we will exhibit and sell one-of-a-kind art pieces for artists, so please come and visit us.
MARINE DEBRIS WorldWide Shipping” 船や列車などで大量の荷物を運ぶ際、輸送手段としてよく使われるコンテナですが、船での輸送中に年間1万個ものコンテナが海底に沈んでしまっているという推測が立てられています。その為今回は架空のテーマ “その積み荷が海を漂流し未開の地に流れ着いた”という設定で前半(pt1.) 後半(pt2.)の2部構成でそれぞれ違う監督を起用しクリエーションを施した事に加えアーティストへ向けた一点物のアートピースの展示、又は販売を行いますので是非ご来場下さいませ。